On March 17, 2021 legislation was introduced by the provincial government that would amend the Education Act. Proposals set out in an Act Respecting Empowering the School System are intended to support teachers in managing their classrooms and to ensure schools offer a positive learning and working environment.
The Problem
There are two aspects of this legislation that are incredibly concerning:
11. 1 (1) A teacher who holds a master’s degree approved by the Minister and completes the training approved by the Minister may administer a test prescribed by regulation, score the test and interpret and apply the results of the test, for the purpose of developing a personalized learning plan for a pupil.
11.1 (2) This section and the regulations made under paragraph 57(1)(o.1) shall supersede all other provisions in the Psychologists Act and any regulation made under that Act.
Here is our full brief: https://cpnb.ca/en/briefing-note-bill-35-act-respecting-empowering-the-school-system-2/
Letters of Support
- https://cpnb.ca/en/clinical-psychology-program-at-unb-open-letter-re-bill-35/
- https://cpnb.ca/en/ldanb-taanb-response-to-bill-35-1/
- https://cpnb.ca/en/letter-for-legislative-assembly-of-new-brunswick-march-20-2021-asppb/
- https://cpnb.ca/en/letter-from-acposb-to-nb-2/
- https://cpnb.ca/en/lettre-ass-legislative-nb-loi35-udem/
- https://cpnb.ca/en/members-of-the-legislative-assembly-of-new-brunswick_march2021_engcpa/
- https://cpnb.ca/en/nb-advocacy-letter-bill-35-ccppp/
- https://cpnb.ca/en/nbasp-response-to-bill-35-eecd-and-stakeholders-english-1/
- https://cpnb.ca/en/acpro-statement-on-nb-bill-35-5/
- https://cpnb.ca/en/bill-35-response-from-the-british-columbia-association-of-school-psychologists/
- https://cpnb.ca/en/apnl-nlpb-response-to-proposed-nb-bill-35-3/
- https://cpnb.ca/en/_bill-35-premier-higgs-dyslexiabc-june2021/
- https://cpnb.ca/en/letter-to-dominic-cardy-nb-2021/
- https://cpnb.ca/en/letter-calling-for-repeal-of-bill-35_apq/
- https://cpnb.ca/en/pas-letter-to-mlas-re-bill-35/
- https://cpnb.ca/en/letter-to-support-nb-docx/
- https://cpnb.ca/en/training-programs-response-to-nb-bill-35/
What can you do?
Please write your MLA. Ask them to propose that the Bill be sent to the Law Amendments Committee, use all of the time at their disposal to debate this bill to explore and expose its flaws, and vote against this bill if it is not significantly amended, in particular by removing the new subsection 11.1(2) proposed in subsection 1(16) of the bill. You can find your local MLA here: MLA Bios -60th Legislature (gnb.ca)
Share our social media posts geared toward the public to help them understand the impact the passing of this Bill will have on their children and their family. Share and participate in any way possible.
We will continue to direct all our efforts to interacting with government and the public on this matter. Thank you so much for your help!
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