Can I work in New Brunswick as a Psychologist with a Master’s Degree in Psychology?

Only individuals registered with the College of Psychologists of New Brunswick can practice as a psychologist in New Brunswick. The minimum educational requirement to be eligible for licensing as a psychologist in New Brunswick is a doctoral degree (Ph.D. or PsyD) in clinical, school or counseling psychology (complete licensing rules may be found at However, there are a few exceptions for masters level trained psychologists:

  • As of July 1, 2020, any masters level psychologist who is already licensed to practice as a psychologist by the College of Psychologists of New Brunswick will retain their license to practice. The Psychologists Act allows for the grandparenting of existing masters level psychologist to remain on the register of psychologists despite changes in the minimum educational standard to a doctoral degree under this legislation.
  • Whether an individual has a master’s or doctoral degree in psychology, if they are already licensed to practice as a psychologist by another regulatory body of psychologists in Canada, they are eligible to apply for a transfer of their license to the College of Psychologists of New Brunswick. To be eligible for a transfer, the psychologist must be in good standing with their current regulatory body and that pre-existing license to practice must be currently active.

If you are thinking of pursuing doctoral training in clinical psychology, please note that New Brunswick has two such programs meeting the minimum educational requirements for licensing in this province: a PhD Program in Clinical Psychology at the University of New Brunswick and a PsyD Program in Clinical Psychology at l’Université de Moncton. There are no training programs at the masters level for clinical psychology in New Brunswick.

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