KNOW YOUR ODDS…And change them with a PSYCHOLOGIST!
Welcome to Psychology Month 2019!!! We are very excited to share with you our theme this year: Know your Odds…and change them with a PSYCHOLOGIST!
We have many new projects on the go this year to celebrate. Keep watch on our Facebook page and website as we showcase them throughout the month! We will continue to use our national commercial on social media, so please share with your followers.
One project we have worked diligently on this year is the creation of 4 themed posters that will be circulated throughout the province to doctor’s offices, mental health clinics, public health clinics, universities, hospitals and more! Check them out here:
If you would like the printed versions, contact the office and we will send some to you.
Visit our Facebook and Twitter pages for more valuable information!
We have also had several psychologists step forward to offer free lectures to the public during psychology month. Check our Website and Facebook pages for presentations near you!
Stay tuned for more!
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