Psychologist Profile


Jocelyne Henri


Licenced Member in NB

Work Address

81 Albert Street, Moncton NB (Horizon Addiction and Mental Health Center)

Contact Phone #


Practice Setting


Employment Status

Full Time


Horizon Health Network/Addiction and Mental Health Center

Employer Address

81 Albert Street, Moncton NB

Employer Email



Clientele Demographic:


Languages in Which Services are provided:

English, French

Assessment Services:

Accepting New Clients - Therapy:

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Accepting New Clients – Evaluation/Assessment:

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Profile Description

1-Clinical Psychologist: conducting Trauma Informed Individual Therapy via an Integrated Approach, which includes Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Humanist\Strength Based approach, Motivational Interviewing, Mindfulness based strategies and the Grief Recovery Method. 2-Psychology Supervisor: A-As per the NB College of Psychologist, the provision Trauma Informed Clinical Supervision to Psychology Doctoral Students, Interns in Psychology, Psychology Residents and Licensed Psychologist in the areas of General Adult Clinical Psychology. B-Providing Secondary Trauma Informed Individual Consultations and education to any individuals working in Trauma Exposed Environments. Education on main strategies to mitigate and reduce Empathic Strain (know as Compassion Fatigue), Vicarious Trauma and Burnout. For whom: Anyone working in a High Stress-Trauma Exposed Environment): Nurses, Social Workers, Justice, Health Specialists, Doctoral Psychology Students, Interns in Psychology, Residents in Psychology and Licensed Psychologist, and can expand to many other professions and organizational leaders. 3.Educational Certified Trainer in Secondary Trauma Informed Care in High Stress\Trauma Exposed Environments. 4.Educational Certified Trainer in Motivational Interviewing.

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