Who We Are

Our Mission

To protect the public by regulating the professional practice of psychology. To advance the practice of psychology in New Brunswick.

Our Vision

To ensure all people in New Brunswick have access to high quality psychological services.

Our Role

To administer the two distinct functions of the College of Psychologists in accordance with its Act and its By-laws.

A Brief History

The Maritime Psychological Association operated from 1947 to the late 1960’s.

The first organizational meeting leading to the establishment of a psychological association based in New Brunswick took place on May 25th, 1962 at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. At that meeting the New Brunswick Psychological Association (NBPA) was formed with Dr. Alan M. Spires elected as its first president.

Legal recognition was accorded to the practice of professional psychology in the province of New Brunswick in 1967 when The Psychologists Registration Act resulted in the formation of the Board of Examiners in Psychology. By this Act, New Brunswick became the fifth province in Canada to obtain a legal status for the title of psychologist. The New Brunswick Psychological Association became known as the Association of Psychologists of the Province of New Brunswick (APPNB) in 1967.

The regulatory and promotional functions were further enhanced by the development of the College of Psychologists of New Brunswick. The College of Psychologists Act was assented to by the New Brunswick Legislative Assembly on July 16 1980. As a result of the passing of this Act, the APPNB and the Board of Examiners in Psychology were merged to form the College of Psychologists of New Brunswick (CPNB).

The College currently has 532 members including interim (residents in psychology) and student members.

Since 1962, CPNB, and the psychological organizations that preceded it, has had 52 presidents while there have been 12 registrars since legal recognition was accorded in 1967 including the incumbents. The College has also had 4 Executive Directors since 2003. Over the years CPNB has conferred the title of Fellow member to licensed members for exceptional service to the provincial organization.

Click here to view the complete of list of Presidents, Registrars and Executive Directors as well as our Fellow Members of the College.