Psychologist Profile


Nadia Baribault


Non Practicing Member in NB

Clientele Demographic:

Adolescents, Adults, Children, Geriatric

Therapy and Treatment Approach:

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Applied Behavior Analysis, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Psychodynamic

Languages in Which Services are provided:

English, French

Assessment Services:

ADHD Child/Adolescent, Intelligence/Cognitive, Learning Disorders, Psychoeducational, Psychological/psychodiagnosticPsychological/psychodiagnostic

Areas of Practice:

Anxiety, Assertiveness, Attachment Issues, Attention Problems / ADHD, Behaviour Problems, Depression, Executive functioning, Giftedness, Grief / Loss / Bereavement, Intellectual Disability/Intellectual Developmental disorder, Learning and Language Difficulties, Personality Disorders, Social Skills

Accepting New Clients - Therapy:

Accepting New Clients – Evaluation/Assessment:

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